
Interact with NFTs in a revolutionary new way through μ-Tokens. These ERC-20 tokens represent fractional shares of an NFT from a specific collection. When an Azuki is deposited into Floor Protocol, you receive 1,000,000 µ-Tokens corresponding to that specific NFT collection. µAzuki tokens represent 1/1,000,000 of an NFT in Azuki collection. 1,000,000 µAZUKI = Azuki Floor Price.

While you can't redeem NFTs across collections, you can easily swap between collection specific μTokens on Uniswap.

Trading and Liquidity

With µ-Tokens, the NFT market becomes far more liquid and versatile. These tokens can be bought, sold, and traded like any other cryptocurrency. It is also significantly cheaper to trade with, avoiding the massive buy/sell spreads and platform fees associated with NFTs. Whether you're interested in cashing in on a portion of your NFT assets or diversifying your NFT collection holdings, µ-Tokens offer the fluidity and adaptability you require.

µ-Tokens at a Glance

  • Collection-Specific: Each µ-Token is tied to a particular NFT collection. This means that µBAYC tokens are distinct from, say, µAzuki tokens, each representing fractional ownership in their respective collections.

  • Liquidity Access: Convert your NFT holdings from a specific collection into µ-Tokens to unlock immediate liquidity.

  • Trading Flexibility: Enjoy the freedom to trade µ-Tokens and capitalize on market trends.

  • Platform Involvement: Deploy µ-Tokens for a diverse set of activities and opportunities within the Floor Protocol ecosystem.

By offering a blend of liquidity, targeted investment opportunities, and enhanced platform features, µ-Tokens revolutionize how you can engage with NFTs.

Last updated